Time Manufacturing Company is committed to providing excellent assistance to each government entity we serve in their acquisition and procurement goals whether they are directly purchased, or they are purchases made through cooperative contracts. Our staff is dedicated to serving Sourcewell member needs and ensuring that ongoing services are fast, easy, and consistent.
All Time Manufacturing Company Brands Included In Sourcewell Contract
Equipment and service offerings available to Sourcewell membership includes all Time Manufacturing Company brands – Versalift, BrandFX, Ruthmann, Bluelift and Aspen Aerials. Sourcewell members receive benefits from the following brands:
Versalift manufactures the safest, most reliable aerial lifts, bucket trucks, high access man lifts and digger derricks in North America.
BrandFX provides lightweight, advanced composite truck line & service bodies that improve payload capacity, and a full suite of topper and tonneau covers that improve function and security. The vertically integrated company also manufactures booms and buckets.
Ruthmann provides the most capable high reach aerial work platforms from 24 to 90 meters to a global customer base.
Aspen Aerials provides innovative bridge inspection trucks found in every US State.
Time Manufacturing Company and Sustainability
Time Manufacturing Company goes to market under the Versalift, BrandFX, Ruthmann, BlueLift, EcoLine and Aspen Aerials brands, and supports infrastructure companies and other essential businesses. With a global distribution network, our brands support the businesses that maintain the consistent and reliable flow of electric power and telecommunications. Some high access equipment, which is manufactured by both Ruthmann and Versalift, is specifically designed to maintain wind farms. Versalift offers sustainable solutions, which comply with current federal mandates and goals in support of sustainability and Green Initiatives.
PHONE: (254) 399-2167
About Sourcewell
Sourcewell is a public purchasing cooperative. With more than 60,000 members, the organization’s membership can be divided into three major groups: government entities, non-profit entities and educational entities. Check to see if you qualify for pre-negotiated pricing and the ability to purchase without going through the compliance bidding process.
- Government entities include municipalities, cities, counties and state agencies, water districts, parks departments, native tribal governments and port & transport authorities.
- Non profit entities, which are also known as tax exempt organizations, include hospitals, nursing homes, housing authorities and other member organizations.
- Educational entities include public and private K-12 schools, special education districts, charter schools and Universities
Benefits Of Sourcewell Membership
Members of Sourcewell are able to source a huge variety of items, including other heavy equipment, office supplies, furniture, building materials and technology. Sourcewell creates powerful value for its members by simplifying the entire procurement experience. Time Manufacturing Company and its brands are among the hundreds of Sourcewell vendors.
Purchasing Time Manufacturing Company brands equipment through Sourcewell creates a powerful set of benefits:
- Transparency – customers clearly understand what they are buying.
- Pre-negotiated Price – customers automatically receive volume-based pricing that has been negotiated in advance between Versalift and Sourcewell
- Convenience – customer administrative processes are streamlined and simplified
- Quality – customers avoid “low-bid, low-quality” experiences, where they purchase a unit for the lowest cost, but end up dissatisfied.
Become A Sourcewell Member
If you are not already a member, you can easily become one and purchase your equipment https://www.sourcewell-mn.gov/register

The National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) has changed its name to Sourcewell to better reflect its purpose and to position itself for ongoing local and national growth. For members, vendors, and partners the name change is the only change. Sourcewell’s mission, vision, values, and cooperative purchasing program remain the same.
The group was founded in 1978 as an educational cooperative service unit (ECSU) for its five-county region and has since expanded to service other government entities and non-profits across the country. This year, as it celebrates its 40th anniversary, Sourcewell is a $3 billion self-funded agency. It saw a nearly 20% increase in contract purchasing volume in 2017.
We are happy to announce that Versalift, a leading American Manufacturer of bucket trucks, digger derricks, cable placers and aerial lifts for use in the power, telecommunications, lighting & signage and tree care industries, has been awarded an NJPA contract. Versalift offers equipment sales and service across the United States and Canada, including insulated and non-insulated aerial devices ranging from 29 – 235 feet working height.
Please contact Stan Tomchesson, Quote Manager at 254-399-2167 or stantomchesson@versalift.com for more information or visit us at Versalift.com. Reference #110421-TIM – Maturity Date: 12/27/2025
Government agencies understand advertising for bids is a long, time consuming and expensive process.
All too often buyers experience the nightmare of going out for bid and being forced to buy an inferior
product based solely on price. Buying off a GSA Schedule (Government Service Administration) gives you,
the buyer multiple choices of pre-approved products. The terms and conditions of the sale, such as price
or discount, quantity discount, prompt payment terms, delivery time, etc. are negotiated prior to contract award.
We invite you to shop for your Versalift aerial lift through our GSA catalogue at GSAadvantage.gov
Please contact Stan Tomchesson, Quote Manager at 254-399-2167 or stantomchesson@versalift.com for more information or visit us at Versalift.com.
TXMAS Contract # TXMAS-6-23V020
Click to download catalog TXMAS Catalog
Please contact Stan Tomchesson, Quote Manager at 254-399-2167 or stantomchesson@versalift.com for more information or visit us at Versalift.com. Reference TXMAS-6-23V020